Countries With The Lowest Crime Rates

Countries With The Lowest Crime Rates

Every year, the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) publishes the Global Peace Index. One of the easiest methods to quickly assess how safe a country is is using this index. (For comparison, see our list of the world's most deadly nations.)

163 nations are ranked according to how calm they are in the Global Peace Index.

Several elements combine to form "peacefulness," including the following:

  1. Number of violent deaths

2. Impact of terrorism

3. Nuclear capability

4. Conditions of peace

5. Social security

6. Internal conflicts

7. International relations

The EU/EEA still dominates the Global Peace Index despite the conflict in Ukraine being right outside of Europe's borders. In fact, eight nations at the top of the list of the safest nations in the world for 2022 are either members of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). So you can see what a benefit it would be to have unrestricted access to all EU and EEA nations.

The world's safest nation in 2022 is Iceland, which is followed in the top five by New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark, and Austria.


The frequency of homicides, the severity of violent crime, and the accessibility of small arms are only a few of the variables taken into consideration when compiling the index. The score also takes into account variables like the number of refugees and internally displaced people as well as the degree of political instability.

Furthermore, Iceland is a safe area to reside due to its low incidence of natural disasters. Iceland ranks as one of the safest nations in the world based on all of these variables. Iceland is not just extraordinarily safe, but also breathtakingly gorgeous. There are glaciers, hot springs, and waterfalls there, making it one of the places on earth with the most breathtaking natural landscape.

New Zealand

One of the safest nations in the world, according to many, is New Zealand. In fact, New Zealand is the second-safest nation in the world, after Iceland, according to the Global Peace Index 2022.

The fact that New Zealand is such a safe place to live is due to a number of factors. One is that it has a low crime rate and a relatively tiny population. Additionally, there is little political upheaval and the administration is stable.

In addition, New Zealand's remote location in the southwest Pacific Ocean renders it less vulnerable to outside attacks. Given that New Zealand is vulnerable to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, it's critical to know what to do in case of an emergency.

The good news is that there are strong building regulations in place to aid with earthquake damage prevention. Most New Zealanders are well-equipped to handle any crises that might occur. In spite of significant concerns, New Zealand is generally a secure country in which to live.


Ireland ranks third on the global peace index for 2022 in terms of safety. Given that the index considers a variety of variables, such as violence, crime, and terrorism, this achievement is remarkable.

To begin with, there are not many murders in the nation. There were just 33 murders committed in Ireland in 2018. Less than one per 100,000 persons, which is far fewer than the global average. The prevalence of violent crime is also low in Ireland. In fact, it had the second-lowest rate of violent crime in the European Union in 2017, according to Eurostat.

Ireland is not only one of the least dangerous nations in terms of crime, but it is also relatively free of war and terrorism. Despite Ireland's difficult past, there haven't been any significant terrorist attacks recently. Ireland is not currently engaged in any conflicts. It is not a member of NATO and has a policy of military neutrality.


One of the safest nations in the world, according to many, is Denmark. It is actually the fourth-safest nation in the world, according to the Global Peace Index 2022.

Denmark is quite safe to live in for a variety of reasons. It has a low crime rate, to start. Only 127 killings were officially reported in Denmark in 2018, a shockingly low amount. Second, Denmark's robust economy and welfare system contribute to a decline in social unrest and inequality. Last but not least, Denmark is a tiny nation with a very homogeneous population, making it simpler to uphold law and order. All of these elements help to make Denmark a safe sanctuary for its people.


Austria is an extremely safe country to live in. In fact, it frequently appears on lists of the safest nations in the world. Austria is ranked third safest among the EU 27 countries and fifth safest overall in the Global Peace Index 2022. What makes Austria so secure then? There are several of them.

Austria firstly has a low crime rate. Violent crimes are uncommon, and theft is also quite uncommon. Due of this, Austria is a highly safe country to live in.

Second, Austria's economy is robust. Because people are less inclined to resort to crime when they have a steady income, there is often less crime.

Last but not least, Austria has a solid political system and government. This guarantees that there is little corruption and that the nation is well-run. All of these elements work together to make Austria a very safe country to live in.


Portugal is well-known for its beautiful countryside, mild climate, and laid-back attitude. However, Portugal has recently drawn notice for still another factor, namely its safety. Portugal is ranked as the sixth safest nation in the world and the fourth safest of the EU's 27 nations by the Global Peace Index 2022. One factor is the low level of income inequality. The richest 20% of households in Portugal only make 7.5 times as much money as the poorest 20%.

When compared to other industrialized nations like the United States, where the richest 20% make approximately 12 times as much as the lowest 20%, this is a favorable comparison.

Given that higher levels of income inequality are associated with higher rates of crime and violence, Portugal's relatively equal distribution of wealth may contribute to the country's low crime rate. Strong legal systems are advantageous to the nation. Property rights are strongly upheld in Portugal, and public corruption is comparatively infrequent.

This establishes a secure atmosphere that deters crime and fosters economic development. Portugal's relationships with its neighbors have always been amicable. It hasn't been directly involved in a major conflict for at than 200 years, and the administration is still dedicated to using diplomacy rather than force to settle differences.

Portugal has a secure and friendly atmosphere thanks to all of these elements working together. Additionally, Portugal offers a variety of simple resident visa alternatives, like the D7 visa and the Golden Visa, making it a suitable location for people looking for a safe haven in Europe.


We believe Madeira is one of the most secure places in Portugal and merits special consideration. For a number of reasons, Madeira is among Portugal's safest regions. First, it's distance from the Portuguese mainland—more than 1,000 km—means that thieves have less access to it. It would be challenging for anyone committing a crime on Madeira to flee before being apprehended.

Second, there are less opportunities for crime due to the island's small population and lack of criminal families or gangs. Madeira actually has a low crime rate! Finally, the government has made significant investments in security measures and there is a significant police presence in Madeira. Personally, I always feel quite secure while strolling through Funchal, the city of Madeira.


The population of Slovenia, a tiny, nearly landlocked nation in Central Europe, is just over 2 million. Between Italy and Croatia, it has a brief shoreline that runs along the Adriatic Sea. Slovenia consistently ranks among the safest nations in the world, despite its small size.

According to the Global Peace Index for 2022, it was classified as the seventh-safest nation. Slovenia's safety ranking is influenced by a variety of factors. One is the relatively low crime rate.

In contrast to the global average of 6.2 per 100,000 persons, Slovenia had only 1.4 homicides per 100,000 people in 2020. Petty crime rates, such as those for stealing and vandalism, are likewise often low.

The high degree of political stability in Slovenia is another element that contributes to the country's high safety rating. The Freedom Movement serves as its current center-left administration (GS). Since 2004, Slovenia has been a member of the EU.

Last but not least, Slovenia gains from its position. It is tucked between Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and Italy, far from any trouble spots.

Czech Republic

Beautiful and steeped in culture, the Czech Republic is a wonderful place to visit. Also, it's a really safe environment to work, live, and bring up a family.

According to the Global Peace Index 2022, which places the Czech Republic at number 8, it is actually among the safest nations in the world.

The tiny Central European country has a long history of peace and stability, and because there is no terrorism there and crime rates are low, it is a secure place to live.

The Czech Republic is generally quite accommodating to tourists and has a strong infrastructure for keeping visitors secure, while it is always advisable to exercise caution when visiting in any unknown location.

The Czech Republic takes safety seriously, with a well-maintained public transit system, numerous police personnel, and surveillance cameras.

In order to keep its residents secure, the Czech Republic likewise maintains strict gun control regulations. Furthermore, the Czech Republic is a member of NATO, which adds to its security, which is critical in these unstable times. In general, anyone looking for a tranquil and secure area to reside can consider the Czech Republic.


Singapore is the safest nation in Asia and the ninth safest nation in the world, according to the Global Peace Index 2022. There are a few reasons, to be sure. It has a low crime rate, to start. This is because efficient law enforcement works diligently to maintain safety on the streets.

Criminals in Singapore face severe penalties and laws. The government's zero-tolerance policy toward crime aids in deterring potential offenders from engaging in criminal activity in the first place.

The police in Singapore are well-equipped. The Singapore Police Force is quite effective and has a proven track record of reducing crime. For both locals and visitors, this contributes to the feeling of safety in Singapore. Lawbreakers might anticipate facing significant penalties, which serves as an additional deterrent.

In order to reduce gun violence, Singapore too has severe gun control regulations. And finally, Singapore has a strong culture of respect for authority and the law.

Singapore is also a tidy and organized nation. There is a broad sense of orderliness among the city's citizens, and the city is well-organized. This fosters a sense of security and safety in general. This indicates that people generally follow the law and refrain from risky or illicit activities.


Japan is ranked as the 10th safest nation in the world on the Global Peace Index 2022. Many factors contribute to Japan's high level of safety. One is that there is hardly any crime in the nation. Compared to the United States, where there were 5 murders per 100,000 people in 2019, Japan had only 2.3 murders per 100,000. Gun ownership is strictly regulated in Japan, making it difficult for criminals to acquire weapons.

Additionally, the Japanese government has made significant investments in security systems like metal detectors and CCTV cameras, which assist to deter crime. Last but not least, respect for others and a commitment to peace are highly valued in Japanese society. Because of this social custom, Japan has a low crime rate and a feeling of security.


Switzerland is ranked 11th among the safest nations in the world by the Global Peace Index 2022. This is due to a number of factors, including the nation's sound economy, democratically run government, and low crime rate. Switzerland's long-standing neutrality has been a major contributor to the safety of the nation. The nation hasn't been at war since 1815, which has helped it avoid a lot of the violence and unrest that other countries have gone through.

However, as a result of enacting sanctions against Russia, Switzerland has shifted its allegiance toward NATO. Switzerland is renowned for its anti-gun stance. Despite having one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world, the nation also boasts one of the lowest rates of street crime or major shootings. Contrary to popular belief, Switzerland has very strict regulations on firearms.

Overall, Switzerland is a safe place to live due to its robust economy, its democratic government, and its gun prohibitions. The passport issued by Switzerland is also among the strongest in the world. Swiss citizenship grants you the same rights to live, work, study, and retire anywhere in the EU or EEA even though Switzerland is not an EU member state.