Estonia Digital Nomad Visa

Estonia Digital Nomad Visa
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and St Mary's Cathedral, Estonia

Visit the lovely nation of Estonia if you are a freelancer who wants to travel the world. You must, however, apply for an Estonia Digital Nomad Visa in order to work there as a freelancer. The Estonian digital nomad visa was created especially for those who intend to live and work remotely in Estonia.

Estonia introduced a Digital Nomad Visa in August 2020, which allows remote workers from non-European countries to live and work in Estonia for up to one year. Eligible applicants must have proof of income and health insurance, and must pass a background check. The visa application process can be completed entirely online.

Visa requirements for digital nomads in Estonia

1. You must be 18 years old or above.

2. Have a flexible schedule so you can work from home.

3. Being a freelancer or providing consulting services to businesses and clients abroad requires a contract.

4. Be an employee, associate, or owner of a business based outside of Estonia.

5. Establish your status as a digital nomad or freelancer.

6. Make sure your finances are secure and that you earn a minimum of €3,500 each month.

Advantages of an Estonian Digital Nomad Visa

You can do the following with an Estonian digital nomad visa:

1. Travel to other Schengen nations.

2. Remotely work for several companies outside of Estonia.

3. Have a flexible schedule.

4. Spend a year working and living in Estonia.

5. Since Estonia offers free internet access, you can work remotely from many locations within Estonia.

Application for a Visa for an Estonian Digital Nomad: Required Documents

When requesting a Digital Nomad Visa, you must provide the following documents:

1. Your passport must have two blank pages, be in good condition, and be valid for at least three months after the return date. provide a copy of any previous visas (if any).

2. The online application must be completed, printed, and signed before submission. Please make care you complete the application form completely and honestly. Remember that providing inaccurate information could result in your visa being denied.

3. Show documentation that you have a working contract that is legitimate with a company or client outside of Estonia.

4. Your company must write a letter confirming your intention to work remotely.

5. Documents that your bank has issued in the recent six months. The document must attest that you make enough money each month to support yourself while visiting Estonia.

6. You must be in possession of current, Schengen-area-inclusive health insurance. Your health insurance must provide €30.000 in coverage.

7. A police document from your own country is required. This document needs to attest to the fact that you have no prior criminal convictions in your home country and that you won't pose a security risk to the Republic of Estonia.

8. Training certification, a diploma from your studies, and other certificates are required (if any).

Application Process

The steps to apply for an Estonian visa for digital nomads are as follows:

1. Schedule a meeting at the closest Estonian embassy or consulate in your country.

2. Complete the online application form, print a copy of it, and sign it.

3. Obtain all the necessary documents, and then deliver it to the Estonian embassy that is most conveniently located in your nation.

4. Await a reply.

5. Apply for an E-Residency card after arriving in Estonia.

Processing Time for an Estonia Digital Nomad Visa

Expect a reply from the Estonian embassy within 15-30 days after submitting your visa application. Processing may take up to 2 months.

Cost of Estonia Digital Nomad Visa

The Estonian digital nomad visa costs are as follows:

€80 for a type C type visa.

€100 for a type D visa.

Validity of the Digital Nomad Visa in Estonia

One year is the duration of a long-stay Estonian digital nomad visa. In Estonia, a short-stay visa is available for a period of 90 days. Your visa for digital nomads in Estonia cannot be extended. While in Estonia, you can nonetheless apply for a different digital nomad visa.

Denial of Visa for Estonian Digital Nomad

Your request for a visa to work as a digital nomad in Estonia may be rejected if you don't match the requirements. Reasons for denial could include:

  1. Falsifying documents or facts.

2. Lack of the necessary qualifications

3. Documentation that is lacking or inaccurate.

You can always reapply if your Estonia digital nomad visa application is rejected. Each step must be completed starting from the beginning. You might need to think about other choices, such as obtaining a tourist visa or obtaining an Estonian work visa, if the reason for your application's denial is because you are unable to meet the eligibility requirements.

Are Dependents Allowed?

If you have a visa for Estonian digital nomads, you may bring your dependents with you. Your dependents are also welcome to stay with you during the 12-month period that you are permitted to stay. Additional documentation is required to demonstrate that you will have dependents traveling with you while you are in Estonia.